-- Friday is All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation. To intentionally choose to skip Mass would be a mortal sin. Masses at our parish will be 7 am and 6 pm.
-- Saturday is All Souls, NOT a Holy Day of Obligation, but a wonderful day to pray for the dead anyway.
-- Sunday is the 1st Sunday of November, so TIME CHANGE (fall back 1 hour overnight), and monthly parish potluck after the 10:15 Mass.
1: Please see the All Souls note prior to this. 2: Incarnation, our fellow Ordinariate parish in Orlando, had another incident with fire last night, so please keep them in prayer as they assess what needs to happen moving forward. 3: Immaculate Conception IS a Holy Day of Obligation, even though it is transferred off of the 2nd Sunday of Advent, 12/8/24, to the day following, 12/9/24. Monday Mass is at noon, and there will be a second Mass time, whether 7 am or 6 pm, as yet undetermined.
Each year, we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints on 11/1, a Holy Day of Obligation (root of the word “holiday”), and the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, or All Souls, on 11/2. For the octave that begins November (11/1-11/8), plenary indulgences are available daily, applicable strictly for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. You are invited to devise a list of departed souls that you would like prayed for during this octave. This will be a corporate Mass Intention for the parish, and the list of these souls will remain at the altar throughout the octave, and largely throughout the month of November, which is dedicated to the Holy Souls. The recommended donation (to Father, not in the offering/tithe box) for a Mass Intention is $10, but I’ll never turn anyone away who is in need. Coordinate directly with Father (email or in person). — If the 1 Billion+ Catholics on planet earth were to each receive a plenary indulgence every day of the octave, mathematically, we would empty purgatory.