Per the calendar here on the parish website, announced on FB, and announced at the parish, Father is taking 2 vacation days Friday and Saturday this week. No regular Masses or confessions.
Our parish is quite small still, and we want to foster united across our parish community, allowing people to connect and support each other. For Christmas, there will be a vigil on 12/24 at 6 pm, and Mass on Christmas Day at 10 am. For New Year's Day, a Mass at 10 am. We look forward to a blessed Christmas season coming toward us!
We will move from Anedot to ParishSoft Giving in 2025, enabling to more easily integrate automated giving with accounting and database management. We are working on setting it up for not only normal general fund giving, but also with an option for giving directly to the building fund / capital campaign. The link for this, which will replace the link near the the top of the homepage at the end of the month, is